The history of Window Film Generation and window film technology until now can be categorized into 4 generations. Technology mainly used in current market only reaches FIRST to THIRD generation technology. Only Iceberg Window Films has used FOURTH, Window film technology with Night Vision Technology is used at Iceberg Window Films and provides optimal clarity without disrupting vision at night.

The initial technology by only giving color to window film.

Weakness :
Color on film quickly fades and it has very low heat rejection ability.

Performance :
TSER max 20% | IR max 10%

Window film technology uses metal element.

Weakness :
Metal element provides unclear vision and it can easily corrode.

Performance :
TSER max 40% | IR max 35%

Window film technology uses Sputtering technology on window film layer to reject heat.

Weakness :
This technology has properly rejected heat. However, rainbow effect and metal particle can be seen making it look bad.

Performance :
TSER max 75% | IR max 99%

Value Added Iceberg Window Films

This technology uses 100% Carbon as its raw material processed with Nano technology producing the current clearest window film.